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Terms & Conditions

1. Conditions of Booking

We Reserve the right to refuse to confirm any booking

The Price includes VAT as charged and Woodlands Caravan Park reserves the right to change prices in the event that the VAT rate Changes.

The Management accepts no liability for injury to persons or loss or damage to their property however caused unless it is demonstrably due to negligence on our part. We recommend that you insure your personal effects and cash in the normal way before coming on holiday. Woodlands Caravan Park will not be held responsible for damage or inconvenience caused by acts of God including extreme weather conditions. Please be advised that during periods of inclement weather certain areas of the park may be slippery because of factors such as ice and mud.  We recommend that you always wear appropriate footwear and tread with caution during these times. At least one member of the party must be over 18 years old.

2. Behaviour

All persons on the site must act in a courteous and considerate manner towards staff and other guests. Your behavior should not be excessive, noisy or disruptive, especially at night. Offensive, aggressive or abusive behavior by anyone in your party will not be tolerated. Continuous bad behavior will result in you being asked to leave the site. The police will be called if necessary. Music must be played at an acceptable level so as not to be a nuisance to other guests. No music to be played after 11pm or before 7am. There must be no acts of vandalism or criminal activity, nor use of illegal drugs. Cutting or damaging trees and other vegetation is strictly prohibited; this includes tying ropes around or driving nails into trees.  The management reserves the right to refuse or terminate a booking to anyone considered detrimental to the well-being or comfort of other park visitors.  We have the right to cancel your booking or to instruct you and your party leave immediately, without compensation or refund should you not comply with site rules, especially the regulations relating to behavior.

3. Booking Amendments/Cancellation

If you are compelled to cancel your holiday you must notify us immediately by telephone or email. The deposit is not normally refundable however if you feel you have special circumstances, it will be at the Manager’s discretion whether the money is refunded.  If for any reason you leave before the end of your stay, it is at the Manager’s discretion whether a refund will be given.  Amendments to bookings can be made up to 7 days before the date of arrival subject to availability.  In the event of non-arrival, we reserve the right to re-let the pitch after 12 noon on the following day unless notified otherwise.  Cancellation by us – We reserve the right to cancel you’re booking in the unlikely event of conditions beyond our control, and in this event, we will return the money you have paid or will offer alternative dates.  We do not pay compensation.

4. Arrival and Departure

You can arrive on site after 12 noon on the first day of the booking.  If arriving after 6pm you will need to book in at the clubhouse rather than reception.  Pitches must be vacated by 11 am on day of departure.

5. Vehicles

At all times you must:

Keep to the speed limit on the park (10mph) and this must be strictly adhered to at all times. Touring vans are not allowed on site when being towed by Commercial vehicles i.e. Lorries, box vans, panel vans, transit or similar. Give way to pedestrians. Keep to the left.  Drive, manoeuvre and park carefully.  All vehicles on the Park must conform to the Road Traffic Act and have current tax, MOT and insurance.  The provisions of the Highway Code apply to the roads on the Park and must be adhered to. No parking on roadways. No parking on other pitches. No parking on roadways between caravans. Any additional vehicles to be left in the allocated car park located in the bottom corner of the lower touring field.

6. Barbecues

We only allow gas or electric barbecues, no charcoal barbecues. The barbecues must be freestanding and at table top height.

Open fires are not permitted.   Never leave a barbecue unattended.  Be aware of potential hazards (i.e. Fire, smoke and burns) with regard to yourselves and other people.  Position your barbecue in a safe place on your pitch/plot away from anything flammable such as your awning/windbreak/shed.  Keep children away from the barbecue at all times.  Keep the correct fire extinguisher nearby for emergencies. Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous substance which is created when fossil fuels such as gas and solid fuels like charcoal and wood fail to combust fully due to lack of oxygen.  You can’t see it, taste it or smell it but it can kill quickly with no warning.

7. Pitching on site

Vans must be parked with their jockey wheel on the concrete slab provided and parallel to the line marked in the grass. Motor homes/camper vans must be parked with their front wheels either side of the concrete slab so the slab is under their vehicle.  All vans must face the same direction. The price of the pitch entitles you to locate one car and one caravan plus awning (if booked) or one motor home plus awning (if booked) on the pitch. Any other vehicle must be parked in the car park.  Windbreaks must be erected within the pitch area. You must allow a 3 meter clear space between you and the next pitch.

8. Electric Hook-up

Your pitch fee covers you to have one electric hook-up. You can have one cable plugged into the electric box running to your unit. The cable must not have a split adapter.

9. Electric Car charging

We do not have a facility on site for charging electric vehicles. There are charging point at the nearby supermarkets . You must not charge your vehicle from the electric point on your pitch. Anyone found doing this will be fined £250.00

8. Guests with Dogs/Pets

Certain breeds of dog are not permitted on Woodlands. These are: Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Braziliero, XL Bully or a cross breed of any of the breeds shown. The company reserves the right to require anyone who brings a dog onto the Park (whether or not of the breeds referred to above) which is considered dangerous, or to be causing a nuisance, harm, or threat to anyone, or that there is a reasonable risk of it doing so, to remove it from the Park without refund or compensation.

Dogs should not be left unattended and must be on a lead at all times and under the control of a responsible adult. You are required to clear up after your dog(s) and dispose of any dog fouling in the dog waste bins provided.

9. Child supervision and parental responsibility

You are responsible for the supervision of all members of your party under the age of 18.  You must supervise your children at all times. This includes the children’s play area, park area and bar area. You must ensure children in your care are not unruly or badly behaved and do not interfere with the enjoyment of other guests. You will be asked to leave if your children are consistently badly behaved.

10. Bicycles, Scooters and motorized flying devices

E-scooters are not permitted at Woodlands.

Drones or any remote controlled flying devices are not permitted at Woodlands.

Bicycles and scooters should be stored next to your caravan and covered in tarpaulin.  Bicycles must be ridden with due care and attention to other guests on the Park.  Riders will be banned from cycling on the Park if the rule is not adhered to.  We request that parents of children with bikes ensure they are ridden in a courteous and responsible manner.  Children must be supervised by an adult at all times when using bikes, skateboards or other similar items.  Please make sure that bicycles are parked sensibly and do not cause obstruction to other guests or vehicles.  Please ensure bicycles are never left unattended at the roadside.  In the interests of safety no children to be riding after daylight hours.  In the interest of safety children are not allowed to play on the car parks or roadways at any time.

11. Club and Bar

Children are not prohibited in the bar unless accompanied by an adult.  The Management reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club.  We want everyone to have an enjoyable stay and will not tolerate underage drinking. Therefore, if you are fortunate enough to appear under the age of 25 years, we will ask you to provide identification.  The ID you provide must be an official document, such as a driving licence or passport  We reserve the right to refuse to serve alcohol to anyone should they not prove their age to our satisfaction or to someone we consider has been drinking excessively.  When returning to your caravan from the club we respectfully ask that you consider other guests who may be sleeping or relaxing in their caravans/motor homes and keep noise levels to an absolute minimum.  The quoted entertainment may vary due to conditions outside Management control and the Management therefore reserves the right to amend or cancel accordingly without prior notice.

There are times when unforeseen circumstances or lack of staff may lead to the difficult decision of closing the establishment. Whether it’s a sudden illness among key team members or an unexpected emergency, these situations pose significant challenges. A bar thrives on the ability to deliver a consistent and enjoyable experience for its patrons, and when the workforce diminishes unexpectedly, it compromises this standard.

12. Security of Your Property

Your personal belongings are your own responsibility during your stay on the Park. Any vehicle parked on our property is subject to very limited security cover.  You must lock your vehicle and remove any valuables.  We accept no liability whatsoever for any accident, loss or damage to your property, unless such loss, damage or accident is demonstrably due to our negligence or that for whom we are legally responsible.

13. Data Protection

We regularly take photographs and videos for promotional and training purposes.  Should you not wish to appear in any such material, please notify us on your arrival.  All information contained in our booking system is held on our computer system for which we are registered and comply with the regulations of the Data Protection Act.  We will not sell this information and only use it for marketing and information purposes relating to Woodland Caravan Park.

14. Lost Property

Lost property will be held for a maximum of three months, after which time it will be donated to charity or thrown away.  We cannot be held responsible for items reported lost which cannot be found.

15. Brochure/Website Content

The information supplied is correct at the time on going to press.  Facilities and entertainment may vary from that published.

16. Reporting Procedure/Complaints

In order for us to rectify any complaints or concerns, please advise us immediately and we will endeavor to respond promptly.  If a reported matter has not been resolved during your stay, please advise us in writing within 28 days of the end of your stay.  Please note we are not responsible for any matters of which you were aware but did not bring to our attention during your stay.

17. Guest WiFi Terms and Conditions

This agreement sets out the terms and conditions on which wireless internet access (“the Service”) is provided to you.

1. Extent of the Service

1.1 We do not recommend in particular the use of any websites (or other internet related services) (“Internet Services”) and your use of Internet Services is carried out entirely at your own risk.

1.2 We have no responsibility for, or control over, the Internet Services you access and do not guarantee that any services are error or virus free.

1.3 We have no responsibility for, or control over, the information you transmit or receive via the Service.

1.4 Save for the purposes of network diagnostics we do not examine the use to which you put the Service or the nature of the information you send or receive.

1.5 We do not guarantee:

1.5.1 the availability of the Service;

1.5.2 the speed at which information may be transmitted or received via the Service; or

1.5.3 that the Service will be compatible with your equipment or any software which you use.

1.6 Whilst we take reasonable steps to ensure the security of the Service and to prevent unlawful access to information transmitted or received using the Service, we do not guarantee the security of the information which you may transmit or receive using the Service or located on any equipment utilizing the Service and you accept that it is your responsibility to protect your information and have adequate security (in terms of equipment and procedures) to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of your information and data.

1.7 We reserve the right at all times to withdraw the Service, change the specifications or manner of use of the Service, to change access codes, usernames, passwords or other security information necessary to access the service.

2. Your Use of the Service

2.1 You must not use the Service to access Internet Services, or send or receive-mails, which:

2.1.1 are defamatory, threatening, intimidating or which could be classed as harassment;

2.1.2 contain obscene, profane or abusive language or material;

2.1.3 contain pornographic material (that is text, pictures, films, video clips of asexually explicit or arousing nature);

2.1.4 contain offensive or derogatory images regarding sex, race, religion, colour, origin, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition or sexual orientation;

2.1.5 contain material which infringe third party’s rights (including intellectual property rights);

2.1.6 in our reasonable opinion may adversely affect the manner in which we carry out our business; or

2.1.7 are otherwise unlawful or inappropriate;

2.2 Music, video, pictures, text and other content on the internet are copyright works and you should not download, alter, e-mail or otherwise use such content unless certain that the owner of such works has authorised its use by you.

2.3 We may terminate or temporarily suspend the Service if we reasonably believe that you are in breach of any provisions of this agreement including but not limited to clauses 2.1 to 2.3 above.

2.4 Were commend that you do not use the service to transmit or receive any confidential information or data and should you choose to do so you do so at your own risk.

2.5 The Service is intended for consumer use only. In the event that you use the Service for commercial purposes we would specifically refer you to clause 5.2 below.

3. Criminal Activity

3.1 You must not use the Service to engage in any activity which constitutes or is capable of constituting a criminal offence, either in the United Kingdom or in any state throughout the world.

3.2 You agree and acknowledge that we may be required to provide assistance and information to law enforcement, governmental agencies and other authorities.

3.3 You agree and acknowledge that we may keep a log of the Internet Protocol (“IP”)addresses of any devices which access the Service, the times when they have accessed the Service and the activity associated with that IP address.

3.4 You further agree we are entitled to cooperate with law enforcement authorities and rights-holders in the investigation of any suspected or alleged illegal activity by you which may include, but is not limited to, disclosure of such information as we have (whether pursuant to clause 3.3 or otherwise), and are entitled to provide by law, to law enforcement authorities or rights-holders.

4. Our Use of your Information

4.1 Subject to clauses 3.3 and 3.4 above we confirm that we shall use the contact details you provide to us solely for the purposes of contacting you with marketing information, updates, promotions and special offers relating to our business.

5. Other Terms

5.1 You agree to compensate us fully for any claims or legal action made or threatened against us by someone else because you have used the service in breach of these terms and conditions, and in particular clause 2.1 to 2.3 and 3.1 above.

5.2 Whilst we do not seek to limit our responsibility for fraudulent misrepresentation or if you are injured or die as a result of our negligence we have no responsibility (to the extent permitted by law) to compensate you (whether or not we are negligent) for any direct financial loss, loss of profit, revenue, time, anticipated savings or profit or revenue, opportunity, data, use, business, wasted expenditure, business interruption, loss arising from disclosure of confidential information, loss arising from or in connection with use of the service or inability to use or access the service or a failure, suspension or withdrawal of all or part of the service at any time or damage to physical property or for any other similar direct loss that may arise in relation to this agreement whether or not we were advised in advance of the possibility of such loss or damage.

5.3 We agree that neither this agreement does not allow either party to act as, or hold themselves out as, acting as an agent of the other party and that the terms of this agreement are not enforceable by a third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

5.4 This agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales and is subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

By using the Service you are confirming that you accept the terms and conditions as the basis of your use of the wireless internet access provided.